21 June 2009

Hard sums

God knows what possessed me to make the hero of my next book a mathematician specialising in logic. But there’s nothing a bit of research can’t fix, and so this weekend saw me scampering off to Cambridge to talk to my friend U.

When I first rocked up there in 1992, U was a top Barbara Cartland combo, the product of a passionate love-match between a Nobel-prize-winning mathematician from Pakistan and the daughter of an English Duke. Educated at Eton – natch - he was not only frighteningly clever but also one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen.

I was a Cumbrian pit pony, still stunned at the fact that they’d let me in.

We bonded IMMEDIATELY over cheap fags, red wine and a shared love of Leonard Cohen.

Late at night, after all of the above, I used to plead with him to explain the theory of relativity, just for the pleasure of watching him speak. Of course, I never remembered the explanation in the morning.

U. never left Cambridge. Luckily he was saved from becoming too much of a crusty academic when, he accidentally impregnated the Head of Gender Studies with twins.

Said twins are now aged 2 and delightful, if somewhat hyperactive. On arrival at the house, he answered the door looking haggard and muttered ‘We’re going to the pub. Now.’

And so we did, leaving the Head of Gender Studies holding the babies.

Over a pint of lager, he asked the very question I’d been hoping he wouldn’t.

‘Why are you making this character a logician?’

The one thing a Cambridge education does is teach you how to bullshit at short notice. I banged on about Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland, Bertrand Russell, romantic poetry, Greek tragedy, Wittgenstein, cause and effect and probability for a good minute of so.

‘So it’s not about your dad, then?’

‘Er, Lewis Carroll, Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein, Aeschylus, lager, lager, umpf’

Clearly I am no better than I ever was on the bullshit front. But the great thing about U. is that he always takes questions very seriously, and usually knows the answers. We spent the next 3 hours discussing all the above, chucking in a bit about probability, the paranoia of maths departments, the difference between good and important, the difference between profundity and cleverness, and why most of the best maths is done before you’re 40. Well, I say discussed. He spoke, I took notes, and said yerrrs a lot, nodding sagely at appropriate moments.

When it was time to go, I asked him to explain the theory of relativity one last time, for the road. He kicked me under the table and told me to bugger off.

We left, laughing at our own pretentiousness.

This time last week

Sometimes this is all you need.

10 June 2009

A little night music

Have not been to the theahtah for years Marjorie. But tonight I dolled myself up in my cashmere hoodie and trotted on down to The West End to see A Little Night Music. A meditation of life, love, and the passage of time.

There are musicals. And then there is Stephen Sondheim. Anyone who dares to base a musical on a film by Ingmar Bergman can't fail in my book. Ah! my days of hammering out piano duets in a Cumbrian vicarage. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik a deux! Happy days, good times.

This time I had the best seats in the house. There are definite advantages to knowing the cast.

Maureen Lipmann stole the show as The Countess, natch. Favourite line that I'm sure she pinched from my autobiography:

'I don't despair of the immorality, merely the sloppiness of your life.'


08 June 2009

Baby Daisy

A joyous weekend, as, hot on the heels of her elder brother's tour of the capital a couple of yours ago, Baby Daisy hit town.

We all played to our strengths.

Ze producer used his powers of gentle persuasion to make her nibble on strawberries as daintily as any leading lady.

Ze stand-up comedian made her giggle

Paolo wore a funny hat and allowed her to pass out in his arms.

Sicily and Michelle provided light relief for Bad Aunt V including light cocktails, lashings of lesbians and glittery nipple tassles. As I watched them twirl I realised that this was the second Saturday in a row that I have been captivated by semi-naked burlesque cavorting. I'm so post-feminist these days, it's positively Darwinian.

Am completely enamoured of my little niece. Please forgive Auntish outpourings. Shall be back to normal forthwith.