
Returning from a bracing walk on Hampstead Heath (fitness, as ever, my watchword), imagine my surprise and delight on finding that someone has sent me a gift.
'Before Bridget Jones, Carrie Bradshaw and the Shopaholic, it was a world of Fabulous Nobodies.'
All hail to my mystery benefactor! If you would care to reveal your identity, I shall prostrate myself at your feet, forthwith....
Glad to see you're sticking with the "New Healthy You" regime.
Maybe you should cash in on what I have no doubt will be your roaring celebrity by doing an exercise video. "Lady V's Nemobics" or some such (or possibly something a bit more metaphorical, like, I dunno, "Lady V does Bouncy Bouncy").
Well, it was just a thought.
or Cottaging can be healthy- the lady V guide to the heath!
get back to your research on weimar dear...
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