Another birthday

Bruno Sebastian is 1 today.
I phoned this morning and sung Happy Birthday to him but I’m not sure he knew who I was.
Lady V: BS, this is your Aunt V calling you from London on your birthday.
Bruno: Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh!
Sister V: He’s being a complete pain in the arse
Lady V: Well, not as painful as this time last year, old thing
Sister V (darkly): He was a novelty then….
Anyway, in doting and sentimental aunt-like fashion I shall proceed to post the following picture of the little fellow taking his first steps.

He'll thank me for it later. These things must be documented after all.
"BS"? That's an unfortunate (or possibly cruel) set of initials to dump on a child, isn't it?!
Actually, I think your primary role is to take lots of photos of him naked and full-frontal, and to bring these out at every opportunity from his 13th birthday onwards -- preferably when he's surrounded by friends of whatever gender he's most sexually attracted to. Yes, that would make you a *real* aunt.
Although be careful: if you post such photos here, your blog will start to look not unlike mine.
Oops -- sorry, forgot to say obligatory "aaaahhhh!"
at least you remembered HIS
he's a handful eh? rosemary's baby anyone?
so cute. all his auntie, natch.
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