And whilst we’re on the subject of nudity, Bruno Sebastian, now three months old and on his first trip to the fleshpots of London. It was all going marvellously until he pissed on my head, which led to stern words from his Aunt V and is perhaps why he’s looking slightly scared.
NO.... tell me is not true that the kid pissed on your head.
*I'm crying and laughing like a manic.*
It is, sadly. I was kissing his stomach in a loving, aunt-like way and the little bugger let loose.....
need i recall maude's golden shower on tot A. it's a sign of love.
as an aside. fabulous name but SURELY your sister knows he won't grow up to be a strapping straight man. sebastian? mmm?
She's counting on him being a bender. She's taken him shopping for soft furnishings every day of his life so far in order to guarantee it...
I am glad I no longer am the only one to have experienced the 'love' in this manner.
Next time I want to be paid for such performances.
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hate spam!
Bruno is sweet. and little boys pee on things. even if those things are smart heads of other people
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