Photographic evidence
Well, summer’s over, and what a summer it was…
So frenetic that only now, fortified by a steaming cup of autumn tea, do I find the time to record it.
There was the traditional Maremman romping at Porno! the Party, a quick dash back to Blighty for The Great Move (to be re-enacted all over again in 3 weeks’ time, for reasons too tedious to explain), the obligatory Summer Wedding at Cliveden and a hop over the pond for Vermont Revisited. Whilst all this was going on I found the time to do the edits on the next book. Exhausted Marjorie!
Obviously I forgot to take any photos. Except one. I like it a lot.
So frenetic that only now, fortified by a steaming cup of autumn tea, do I find the time to record it.
There was the traditional Maremman romping at Porno! the Party, a quick dash back to Blighty for The Great Move (to be re-enacted all over again in 3 weeks’ time, for reasons too tedious to explain), the obligatory Summer Wedding at Cliveden and a hop over the pond for Vermont Revisited. Whilst all this was going on I found the time to do the edits on the next book. Exhausted Marjorie!
Obviously I forgot to take any photos. Except one. I like it a lot.