The fingers of a born athlete

Hot new scientific research published this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (essential reading for Lady V along with the London Review of Books, Vogue and, er, Playboy magazine) revealed that girls who do well at sport tend to have a shorter index finger compared with their ring fingers. The two fingers are usually almost equal in length. The link was most noticeable among runners, footballers and tennis players.
I did some research of my own. Clearly I am a natural born athlete and shall therefore be changing career. No more literary endeavours for me. I shall be taking on Beckham at his own game forthwith.
My index is shorter than my ring finger too!!!
I should quit this MSc and start training...!!!!
ehm... isn't the ring finger on the left???
It seems a bit of an odd research as we all seem to be born athlete.. but wonder why none of us made it.. Lack of will to sacrifice ???
Not enough calories in normal sports. That's why we have to do hot yoga! The other thing is that it only counts in girls. It's all about the testosterone you are exposed to in the womb. Look at the girls we know. Enough said....
hmm.. you people missed the other explanation- which was level of testosterone in uterus.. which may or may not have an impact on sexual orientation of the person.
my index finger is longer. i.e. i'm rubbish at running. Don't rely on me, if you're injured and a big bear is chasing both of us.
Deklein of civilisation
Oh and it's all in the fingers, all in the fingers.
tits out, fingers in
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